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About me

Let me introduce myself

A bit about me

I just graduated from the University of Nothern Colorado, and I'm working towards a career as a systems administrator.

This is my first blog, and I hope to build the habit of contributing to it regularly (whatever that means, haha). As many of my friends know, I love to talk...a lot. About what? Anything and everything and sometimes nothing, but I want to get better at speaking through my writing. I believe there is great benefit in learning how to bring ideas from our imagination into the physical world. We all have ideas…Why not share them?


Trevor J. Valdez

Personal info

Trevor J. Valdez

Birthday: 8 OCT 1992
Phone number: 970.988.9562
Website: www.trevorvaldez.blogspot.com
E-mail: trevorvaldez11@hotmail.com

"Make it Simple but Significant." ~Don Draper


My latest projects

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Hello World

Hello World! This is a test post, please enjoy.


Get in touch with me

Phone number


